First of all:
the idea
the idea
Each ViaVerdi's bag is born from a great inspiration always linked to the handicraft tradition. Timeless shapes and modern details are blended together creating the perfect accessory for our multitasking, busy, fast everyday life.
ViaVerdi's leather is 100% made in Tuscany following the traditional method, literally. Quality, smoothness, colors, parfumes are essential charcateristics. If you are a leather fan you will obviously recognize the smell of our high quality hides.
The high quality does not only characterize our selected leather but each material that makes up our bags. From the lined pure cotton interior to each brushed brass detail of tags, magnetic clips, zip pullers and fastening.
Our Made in Italy is made in Tuscany from the callous but nible hands of Florentine artisans. The keyword that can resumes ViaVerdi's products is uniqueness. But, the great protagonists are always hands. Hands of our Florentine artisans that cut, print, stick, sew on and create magic.